Life In A Dead Tree
Chase Studio
Blue Poison Dart Frog Dendrobates
Dennis Flaherty
Dendrobates Azureus
David Kenny
Robert J. Erwin
Starry Night Reed Frog
David Kenny
Houston Toad
Dante Fenolio
The Olm Proteus Anguinus
Dante Fenolio
Red-eyed Treefrogs
Mark Bowler and Photo Researchers
Mexican Burrowing Toad #2
Dante Fenolio
Frog Skin Section Lm #2
Science Stock Photography
Southern Toad Bufo Terrestris #5
Millard H. Sharp
Cave Salamander
James L. Amos
White-lipped Green Tree Frog
BG Thomson
Skeleton Of A Caecilian
Harry Taylor / Dorling Kindersley / Natural History Museum, London
Masked Treefrog
Gregory G. Dimijian, M.D.
Yellow-eye Ensatina Salamander #2
Danté Fenolio
European Blind Cave Salamander
Charles E. Mohr
Frilled Tree Frogs Mating
Fletcher & Baylis
Fire Salamander
Perennou Nuridsany
Vernal Pools
Richard Hansen
Pacific Giant Salamander #1
Karl H. Switak
Colorado River Toad
Karl H. Switak
Gliding Frogs Of The Asian Rainforests
Roger Hall
Reticulated Poison Frog
Steve Cooper
Amphiuma Blood
Ray Simons
Whites Tree Frog Litoria Caerulea #3
David Kenny
Red-eyed Tree Frogs Mating Agalychnis
Cryptobranchus, Living Fossil
Science Source
Red-eyed Treefrog #6
Millard H Sharp
Tungara Frog Vocalizing #1
Gregory G. Dimijian, M.D.
Horned Frog
Jeffrey Lepore
Mating Toads #3
Ted Kinsman
Seepage Salamander #2
Dante Fenolio
Congo Caecilian #9
Dante Fenolio
Southern Toad Bufo Terrestris #1
Millard H. Sharp
Amazonian Leaf Toad
Dante Fenolio
Mimic Poison Arrow Frog #4
Francesco Tomasinelli
European Wildcat Felis Silvestris
Gerard Lacz
Rough-sided Frog
Fletcher & Baylis
Jade Tree Frog, Malaysia #2
Fletcher & Baylis
Amphibian Fossil
Louise K. Broman
Amphibian Skin #1
Joseph F. Gennaro Jr.
Dna From Amphibian Egg #1
Dna From Amphibian Egg #2
Amphibians and Reptiles of New England
Roger Hall
Mexican Burrowing Toad
Dante Fenolio
Pac Man Frog Ceratophrys
David Kenny
Giant Monkey Frog Phyllomedusa Bicolor #3
Danté Fenolio
Blue-spotted Salamander, Illustration
Roger Hall
Northern Leopard Frog
Gregory K. Scott
Albino Axolotl #1
Perennou Nuridsany
Poison Dart Frogs Of Amazonia
Roger Hall
Amazon Poison Arrow Frog
Steve Cooper
Frog Jumps Into Water
Ted Kinsman
Common Frog Leaping
Stephen Dalton
Red-eyed tree frog #2
Mark Bowler
Giant Bullfrog In Wetland Pyxicephalus
Amazon Milk Frog Trachycephalus
Dennis Flaherty
Red-eyed Tree Frog Agalychnis Callidryas
Gregory G. Dimijian, M.D.
Bullfrog Ear #1
Ted Kinsman
Bullfrog Tadpole
Ted Kinsman
Bull Frog Foot
Ted Kinsman
Mating Toads #1
Ted Kinsman
Frog Jumps Into Water #1
Ted Kinsman
Mating Toads #2
Ted Kinsman
Frog Jumps Into Water #2
Ted Kinsman
Mating Toads #4
Ted Kinsman