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Stain Photos

73 - 144 of 485 stain photos for sale

Results: 485

Results: 485

Wall Art - Photograph - Head Of An Earthworm by M. I. Walker

Head Of An Earthworm

M. I. Walker


Wall Art - Photograph - Free Nerve-endings, Epidermis by M I Walker

Free Nerve-endings, Epidermis

M I Walker


Wall Art - Photograph - Dental Caries by M I Walker

Dental Caries

M I Walker


Wall Art - Photograph - Mitosis In Root Apex, Allium by M. I. Walker

Mitosis In Root Apex, Allium

M. I. Walker


Wall Art - Photograph - Chlamydia Infected Culture by M I Walker

Chlamydia Infected Culture

M I Walker


Wall Art - Photograph - Dermophis Mexicanus Embryo by James Hanken

Dermophis Mexicanus Embryo

James Hanken


Wall Art - Photograph - Bat Embryo by James Hanken

Bat Embryo

James Hanken


Wall Art - Photograph - Polytene Chromosomes From Drosophila, Lm by David M. Phillips

Polytene Chromosomes From Drosophila, Lm

David M. Phillips


Wall Art - Photograph - Sticky Stem Cells Fm by Science Source

Sticky Stem Cells Fm

Science Source


Wall Art - Photograph - Lilium, Ts Anther by M. I. Walker

Lilium, Ts Anther

M. I. Walker


Wall Art - Photograph - Ductal Breast Carcinoma, Lm by Garry DeLong

Ductal Breast Carcinoma, Lm

Garry DeLong


Wall Art - Photograph - Escherichia Coli #4 by Scott Camazine

Escherichia Coli #4

Scott Camazine


Wall Art - Photograph - Hippocampus, Mfm by Science Source

Hippocampus, Mfm

Science Source


Wall Art - Photograph - Paramecium aurelia LM by Greg Antipa

Paramecium aurelia LM

Greg Antipa


Wall Art - Photograph - Breast Cancer Cells, Fm by Science Source

Breast Cancer Cells, Fm

Science Source


Wall Art - Photograph - Breast Cancer Cells, Fm #2 by Science Source

Breast Cancer Cells, Fm #2

Science Source


Wall Art - Photograph - Intestinal Villi Of Celiac Disease by Science Stock Photography

Intestinal Villi Of Celiac Disease

Science Stock Photography


Wall Art - Photograph - Pancreatic Islet With Fluorescent by Alvin Telser

Pancreatic Islet With Fluorescent

Alvin Telser


Wall Art - Photograph - Esophagus Lm #2 by Alvin Telser

Esophagus Lm #2

Alvin Telser


Wall Art - Photograph - Candida Albicans, Vaginal Smear, Lm by Science Source

Candida Albicans, Vaginal Smear, Lm

Science Source


Wall Art - Photograph - Monkey Uterine Gland Lm by M I Walker

Monkey Uterine Gland Lm

M I Walker


Wall Art - Photograph - Foot Of Salamander by James Hanken

Foot Of Salamander

James Hanken


Wall Art - Photograph - Lung Thick Section by M I Walker

Lung Thick Section

M I Walker


Wall Art - Photograph - Colorado Brown Stain Research Team, 1909 by Science Source

Colorado Brown Stain Research Team, 1909

Science Source


Wall Art - Photograph - Bacillus Anthracis, Dfa Stain by Science Source

Bacillus Anthracis, Dfa Stain

Science Source


Wall Art - Photograph - Escherichia Coli, Dfa Stain by Science Source

Escherichia Coli, Dfa Stain

Science Source


Wall Art - Photograph - Negatively Stained Hsv by Kwangshin Kim

Negatively Stained Hsv

Kwangshin Kim


Wall Art - Photograph - Negatively Stained Hsv #2 by Kwangshin Kim

Negatively Stained Hsv #2

Kwangshin Kim


Wall Art - Photograph - Stained Glass Ceiling by Susan Leavines Harris

Stained Glass Ceiling

Susan Leavines Harris


Wall Art - Photograph - Stained Glass Window by Jean- Pierre Lescourret/Explorer

Stained Glass Window

Jean- Pierre Lescourret/Explorer


Wall Art - Photograph - Green Stain Fungus by Paul Whitten

Green Stain Fungus

Paul Whitten


Wall Art - Photograph - Iodine Stained Onion Cells #1 by Ted Kinsman

Iodine Stained Onion Cells #1

Ted Kinsman


Wall Art - Photograph - Cerebrum Neurons, Golgi Stain, Lm by Science Stock Photography

Cerebrum Neurons, Golgi Stain, Lm

Science Stock Photography


Wall Art - Photograph - Cerebrum Neurons, Golgi Stain, Lm #1 by Science Stock Photography

Cerebrum Neurons, Golgi Stain, Lm #1

Science Stock Photography


Wall Art - Photograph - Pancreatic Islet Stained With Dapi Lm by Alvin Telser

Pancreatic Islet Stained With Dapi Lm

Alvin Telser


Wall Art - Photograph - Pancreatic Islet Stained For D Cells Lm by Alvin Telser

Pancreatic Islet Stained For D Cells Lm

Alvin Telser


Wall Art - Photograph - Pancreatic Islet Stained For B Cells, Lm by Alvin Telser

Pancreatic Islet Stained For B Cells, Lm

Alvin Telser


Wall Art - Photograph - Green Stain Fungus #1 by Paul Whitten

Green Stain Fungus #1

Paul Whitten


Wall Art - Photograph - Stained Glass Window, St. Matthews by A.b. Joyce

Stained Glass Window, St. Matthews

A.b. Joyce


Wall Art - Photograph - Stained Glass Window, St. Matthews #1 by A.b. Joyce

Stained Glass Window, St. Matthews #1

A.b. Joyce


Wall Art - Photograph - Stained Glass Window, St. Matthews #2 by A.b. Joyce

Stained Glass Window, St. Matthews #2

A.b. Joyce


Wall Art - Photograph - Iron-stained Sandstone by A.b. Joyce

Iron-stained Sandstone

A.b. Joyce


Wall Art - Photograph - Stained Glass Window, St. Matthews #3 by A.b. Joyce

Stained Glass Window, St. Matthews #3

A.b. Joyce


Wall Art - Photograph - Stained Glass Window, St. Matthews #4 by A.b. Joyce

Stained Glass Window, St. Matthews #4

A.b. Joyce


Wall Art - Photograph - Stained Glass Window by Mark Harmel

Stained Glass Window

Mark Harmel


Wall Art - Photograph - Chartes Cathedral Stained Glass Window by Mark Harmel

Chartes Cathedral Stained Glass Window

Mark Harmel


Wall Art - Photograph - Stained Glass Window, Inner Fame by C.r. Sharp

Stained Glass Window, Inner Fame

C.r. Sharp


Wall Art - Photograph - Oil Stain On Pavement by K. Van Den Berg

Oil Stain On Pavement

K. Van Den Berg


Wall Art - Photograph - Stain And Waterproof Cotton Sem by Meckes/ottawa

Stain And Waterproof Cotton Sem



Wall Art - Photograph - Stain And Waterproof Cotton Sem #1 by Meckes/ottawa

Stain And Waterproof Cotton Sem #1



Wall Art - Photograph - Stain And Waterproof Cotton Sem #2 by Meckes/ottawa

Stain And Waterproof Cotton Sem #2



Wall Art - Photograph - Stain And Waterproof Cotton Sem #3 by Meckes/ottawa

Stain And Waterproof Cotton Sem #3



Wall Art - Photograph - Stain And Waterproof Cotton Sem #4 by Meckes/ottawa

Stain And Waterproof Cotton Sem #4



Wall Art - Photograph - Stained Glass Window by William Carter

Stained Glass Window

William Carter


Wall Art - Photograph - The Hold Of The Blood-stained Gloria by Photo Researchers

The Hold Of The Blood-stained Gloria

Photo Researchers


Wall Art - Photograph - Hogweed Stem by Ted Kinsman

Hogweed Stem

Ted Kinsman


Wall Art - Photograph - Hogweed Stem #1 by Ted Kinsman

Hogweed Stem #1

Ted Kinsman


Wall Art - Photograph - Alzheimer Disease, The Beta-amyloid by Juan Gaertner

Alzheimer Disease, The Beta-amyloid

Juan Gaertner


Wall Art - Photograph - Treponema Pallidum Spirochetes by Science Source

Treponema Pallidum Spirochetes

Science Source


Wall Art - Photograph - Paracoccidioides Brasiliensis by Science Source

Paracoccidioides Brasiliensis

Science Source


Wall Art - Photograph - Yersinia Pestis #1 by Science Source

Yersinia Pestis #1

Science Source


Wall Art - Photograph - Smallpox Viruses, Tem by Science Source

Smallpox Viruses, Tem

Science Source


Wall Art - Photograph - Cryptococcosis, Lm by Science Source

Cryptococcosis, Lm

Science Source


Wall Art - Photograph - Ferruginous Body by Science Source

Ferruginous Body

Science Source


Wall Art - Photograph - Yersinia Pestis #2 by Science Source

Yersinia Pestis #2

Science Source


Wall Art - Photograph - Rubeola Measles, Tem by ASM/Science Source

Rubeola Measles, Tem

ASM/Science Source


Wall Art - Photograph - Tem Of 1918 Influenza Virions by Science Source

Tem Of 1918 Influenza Virions

Science Source


Wall Art - Photograph - Neurons #1 by Eric V. Grave

Neurons #1

Eric V. Grave


Wall Art - Photograph - Smallpox Viruses, Tem #1 by Science Source

Smallpox Viruses, Tem #1

Science Source


Wall Art - Photograph - Rotavirus, Tem by ASM/Science Source

Rotavirus, Tem

ASM/Science Source


Wall Art - Photograph - Smallpox Viruses, Tem #2 by Science Source

Smallpox Viruses, Tem #2

Science Source


Wall Art - Photograph - Polyoma Virus by Omikron

Polyoma Virus




73 - 144 of 485 stain photos for sale

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Stain Photographs


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