Chamomile Seeds, Sem

by Scimat
Chamomile Seeds, Sem
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Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) seeds by SEM. Chamomile is annual plant, up to 60 cm high. The flower heads are collected in June-August when they are mature and expanded. They contain a volatile essential oil (including bisabolol), bitter glycosides (anthemic acid), flavone glycosides (anthemidin), coumarins (including umbelliferon and herniarin), phenolic carboxylic acids, polysaccharides, mucilage, choline, amino acids, tannins, and malic acid. Blue chamazulene is formed from the sesquiterpene lactone matricin during steam distillation. Chamomile has anti-inflammatory, spasmolytic, vulnerary, antimicrobial, mild sedative, carminative, antiseptic, and anticatarrhal properties. Chamomile is a safe remedy for children's problems with a nervous component. This spasmolytic action is due to the presence of flavones, bisabolol and other constituents of the volatile oil. This herb is particularly suited to digestive problems such as nervous dyspepsia and colic. Enhanced SEM. Image width 2.46 mm, magnification 40 x if the image is printed 10 cm wide.
April 13th, 2016
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