Marijuana Female Flower, SEM

by Ted Kinsman
Marijuana Female Flower, SEM
Ted Kinsman
Photograph - Photograph
A scanning electron microscope image of the football shaped bract of the female cannabis (Cannabis sativa) flower. The oval bract structure houses the stigma and is responsible for producing seeds when the flower has been pollinated. This bract structure is also the location of the highest concentration of cannabinoid compounds on the plant. This site is also the location of the highest concentration of THC. There are a number of different types of cell structures called trichomes in this image. The thorn-like trichomes use a physical defense while the circular glandular trichomes use chemical defense. Combined, these defenses keep insects and animals from eating the plant. The filed of view in this image is 4 mm wide. This flower has been pollinated and is startign to develop a seed.
April 12th, 2018
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