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19th Century Metal Prints

19th Century Metal Prints

1 - 35 of 35 19th century metal prints for sale

Results: 35

Results: 35

Nerve Cells Santiago Ramon Y Cajal Metal Print

Nerve Cells Santiago Ramon y Cajal


Richard Jordan Gatling Metal Print

Richard Jordan Gatling


Alexander Von Humboldt, Prussian #5 Metal Print

Alexander Von Humboldt, Prussian #5


Boulevard Du Temple, By Daguerre, 1838 Metal Print

Boulevard Du Temple, By Daguerre, 1838


Ada Lovelace, English Mathematician Metal Print

Ada Lovelace, English Mathematician


Crested Chameleon, X-ray, 1896 #1 Metal Print

Crested Chameleon, X-ray, 1896 #1


Chief Joseph Nez Perce Leader Metal Print

Chief Joseph Nez Perce Leader


Frederick Douglass, African-american #1 Metal Print

Frederick Douglass, African-american #1


Nurses On Night Rounds 1899 Metal Print

Nurses On Night Rounds 1899


Ludwig Boltzmann, Austrian Physicist #1 Metal Print

Ludwig Boltzmann, Austrian Physicist #1


John Keats, English Romantic Poet Metal Print

John Keats, English Romantic Poet


Jacqueline Kennedy, First Lady Metal Print

Jacqueline Kennedy, First Lady


Colossal Octopus Attacking Ship 1801 Metal Print

Colossal Octopus Attacking Ship 1801


President Lincoln With His Family, 1861 Metal Print

President Lincoln With His Family, 1861


Manifest Destiny 1873 Metal Print

Manifest Destiny 1873


Gustav Mahler, Austrian Composer #1 Metal Print

Gustav Mahler, Austrian Composer #1


Nikola Tesla, Serbian-american Inventor Metal Print

Nikola Tesla, Serbian-american Inventor


Central Park Skating Pond New York Metal Print

Central Park Skating Pond New York


Ayurvedic Treatment, Snehana And Svedana Metal Print

Ayurvedic Treatment, Snehana And Svedana


Christmas Tree At Windsor Castle 1848 Metal Print

Christmas Tree At Windsor Castle 1848


Enrico Caruso, Italian Opera Singer #1 Metal Print

Enrico Caruso, Italian Opera Singer #1


Theodore Roosevelt, 26th American #1 Metal Print

Theodore Roosevelt, 26th American #1


Torch Of Statue Of Liberty, 1885 Metal Print

Torch Of Statue Of Liberty, 1885


Harriet Tubman, American Abolitionist #3 Metal Print

Harriet Tubman, American Abolitionist #3


Ulysses S Grant 18th Us President Metal Print

Ulysses S Grant 18th US President


Boston, 19th Century Metal Print

Boston, 19th Century


Apollo And The Nine Muses Metal Print

Apollo And The Nine Muses


Abu Simbel Temple, 1838 Metal Print

Abu Simbel Temple, 1838



1 - 35 of 35 19th century metal prints for sale

19th Century Metal Wall Art


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