Arthropod Morphology #1
by Science Source
Arthropod Morphology #1
Science Source
Photograph - Photograph
Under a high magnification of 5377x, this scanning electron micrograph (SEM) revealed the presence of numbers of an unidentified specie of arthropod. What was believed to be a chigger mite, this insect was highly festooned with an adornment of chitinous exoskeletal outcroppings. Under such magnifications, these exoskeletal complexities are better appreciated in their diaphanous majesty. To the unaided eye, these arthropods would go unnoticed, but under magnified scrutiny, the details of their incredibly beautiful, ultrastructural morphology were revealed. After viewing this tiny creature from a number of perspectives it was surmised that in this particular field of view, it was the head region that was highlighted, and emanating from the head were what appeared to be a number of paired sensorial antennae. The wondrous beauty displayed by this creature makes one think of a mobile undersea coral reef.
May 30th, 2013
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