Legendary Gloucester Sea Serpent, 1817

by Photo Researchers
Legendary Gloucester Sea Serpent, 1817
Photo Researchers
Photograph - Photograph
Sea serpent sightings on the coast of New England, are documented beginning in 1638. The Gloucester Harbor serpent was claimed to have been seen by hundreds of New England residents, including the crews of four whaling boats that reportedly sought out the serpent in the harbor. The serpent was known in the harbor region as "Embargo."Sworn statements made before a local Justice of the Peace and first published in 1818 were never recanted. Sea monsters are sea-dwelling mythical or legendary creatures, often believed to be of immense size. Marine monsters can take many forms, including sea dragons, sea serpents, or multi-armed beasts. They can be slimy or scaly and are often pictured threatening ships or spouting jets of water.
July 7th, 2014
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