Manhattan Project, Sundt Apartments

by Science Source
Manhattan Project, Sundt Apartments
Science Source
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The Sundt Apartments, on Trinity Drive, Los Alamos. These apartments were the homes for some of the greatest physicists in the world during the development of the first atomic bomb. By Los Alamos standards, these homes were luxurious.Throughout the summer of 1943, hundreds of bewildered families moved to Los Alamos to begin an unforgettable adventure. Scientific personnel had only a very general idea about the nature of the work that awaited them. They were instructed to tell their families nothing. Most administrative and technical personnel knew only that they were moving to an unknown place for an unknown length of time. Most lived in trailers and huts put up by the Army in a very short time to try to deal with the massive influx of personnel. Because it was secret, Los Alamos was referred to as "Site Y" or "the Hill". Birth certificates of babies born in Los Alamos during the war listed their place of birth as PO Box 1663 in Santa Fe.
March 27th, 2017
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