Slave Trader Surrenders To Baker, 1869
by Photo Researchers
Slave Trader Surrenders To Baker, 1869
Photo Researchers
Slave Trader Surrenders to Baker, 1869. Illustration captioned "Having reached Fatika, Baker continued to fight the slavers and managed to force the surrender of one of their leaders, Mohammed Uat-el-Mec, seen here shaking Baker's hand in a sign of peace." Samuel White Baker (June 8, 1821 - December 30, 1893) was an English explorer, officer, naturalist, big game hunter, engineer, writer and abolitionist. He also held the titles of Pasha and Major-General in the Ottoman Empire and Egypt. He is mostly remembered as the discoverer of Lake Albert, as an explorer of the Nile and interior of central Africa, and for his exploits as a big game hunter in Asia, Africa, Europe and North America. In 1869 Baker led a military expedition to the equatorial regions of the Nile, with the object of suppressing the slave-trade there and opening the way to commerce and civilization.He had to contend with innumerable difficulties; the blocking of the river in the Sudd, the hostility of officials interested in the slave-trade, the armed opposition of the natives, but he succeeded in planting in the new territory the foundations upon which others could build up an administration.
June 2nd, 2013
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