The Planisphere Of Brahe Harmonia

by Science Source
The Planisphere Of Brahe Harmonia
Science Source
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Planisphaerivm Brahevm, Sive Structura Mvndi Totivs, Ex Hypothesi Tychonis Brahei In Plano Delineata The planisphere of Brahe, or the structure of the universe following the hypothesis of Tycho Brahe drawn in a planar view. Brahe appreciated the Copernican system, but objected to the idea of a moving Earth on the basis of physics, astronomy, and religion. Brahe believed in a "geo-heliocentric" system, (Tychonic system) which he developed in the late 1570s. In such a system, the sun, moon, and stars circle a central Earth, while the five planets orbit the Sun. The essential difference between the heavens (including the planets) and the Earth remained Motion stayed in the ethereal heavens; immobility stayed with the heavy sluggish Earth. It was a system that Tycho said violated neither the laws of physics nor sacred scripture with stars located just beyond Saturn and of reasonable size. Illustration by Andreas Cellarius (1596-1665) a Dutch-German cartographer, best known for his Harmonia Macrocosmica of 1660, a major star atlas.
March 14th, 2013
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