The Capture Of Jefferson Davis, 1865 #3

by Photo Researchers
The Capture Of Jefferson Davis, 1865 #3
Photo Researchers
Photograph - Photograph
Color enhanced cartoon of the capture of Jefferson Davis. President Jefferson Davis met with his Confederate Cabinet for the last time on May 5, 1865, in Washington, Georgia, and the Confederate government was officially dissolved. He was captured on May 10, 1865, in Irwinville, Georgia. In the confusion, Davis put his wife's overcoat over his shoulders and attempted to flee the Union soldiers, leading to caricatures of him being captured disguised as a woman. In this political cartoon of the time three women are surrounded by Union soldiers. Jefferson Davis is depicted as an old woman, hiding his bearded face behind a veil and being held up by two women. The dialogue bubble over the women's heads reads "Oh, do let us pass with our poor old Mother, who is so frightened and fears to be killed." But an observant Union soldier points at the "woman's" boots. The dialogue bubble above the soldiers head reads "Oh no, you don't play that game on us, them boots don't look very much like they belonged to a woman, Come down, old fellow!"
May 30th, 2013
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