Police Assault A Striker
Photo Researchers
A. Philip Randolph, March
Science Source
Confederate Memorial
Frederica Georgia
World War II Memorial Plaza
Spencer Grant
Traveling Vietnam Memorial Wall
Inga Spence
Traveling Vietnam Memorial Wall #2
Inga Spence
Dusk View Of The Lincoln Memorial #2
Rafael Macia
Coronado National Memorial
Mark Newman
The Washington Memorial
Rafael Macia
The Washington Memorial #1
Rafael Macia
Guevara Memorial Statue
Bill Bachmann
Washington Memorial
Richard and Ellen Thane
Strauss Memorial. Vienna, Austria
Oklahoma City National Memorial
Richard and Ellen Thane
Oklahoma City National Memorial #1
Richard and Ellen Thane
Oklahoma City National Memorial #2
Richard and Ellen Thane
Ww II Memorial Plaza, Washington, D.c
Spencer Grant
Traveling Vietnam Memorial Wall #1
Inga Spence
Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.c
Joseph Sohm
Leif Ericson, Norse Explorer #2
Photo Researchers
Dusk View Of The Lincoln Memorial
Rafael Macia
Dusk View Of The Lincoln Memorial #1
Rafael Macia
India Gate, New Delhi, India
David Davis
Humayuns Tomb, India
David Davis
Sputnik 1 #1
Jackson Memorial Hall, Virginia
Frederica Georgia
Conde B. Mccullough Memorial Bridge #1
Theodore Clutter
Leif Ericson, Norse Explorer #6
Photo Researchers
Richmond Grays, John Browns Execution
Mount Rushmore Construction Site, 1930a
Science Source
M110a2 8 Inch Self Propelled Howitzer
Millard H. Sharp
M241 40mm Duster Anti Aircraft Gun
Millard H. Sharp
M60a1 Patton Tank Us Army
Millard H. Sharp
Maya Lin, American Architect
Science Source
Tulsa Race Riot, 1921
Science Source
Memorial To The American Revolution
Photo Researchers
Thaw Memorial Refractor
Science Source
Mount Rushmore National Memorial
Ron Sanford
Vietnam Memorial, Kentucky
David Davis
Lincoln And Washington Memorials
Rafael Macia
Marine Corps War Memorial
Bill Bachmann
Lincoln Memorial in Washington Dc
George Ranalli
Challenger Memorial
Richard and Ellen Thane
Albert Schweitzer Memorial, Germany
Matthias Lenke
Memorial Day, C.1950s
H. Armstrong Roberts/ClassicStock
Hiroshima Peace Memorial, Japan
Lincoln Memorial
Walker Brothers
Revolutionary War Memorial, Sc
Millard H. Sharp
Conde B. Mccullough Memorial Bridge
Theodore Clutter
Bernard Devoto Memorial Cedar Grove
Theodore Clutter
Memorial for Jan Palach and Jan Zajic at the entrance to the Czech Republic National Museum
Theodore Clutter
Karsiyaka War Memorial, Izmir, Turkey
Theodore Clutter
Lincoln Memorial
Mark Harmel
Thomas Jefferson Memorial
Mark Harmel
Memorial In Nepal
Alison Wright
Coronado Memorial, Southeast Arizona
James Zipp
Martin Luther King Jr Memorial Dc
Dennis Flaherty
New Korean War Veterans Memorial
Bill Bachmann
Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial
Science Source
Mount Rushmore
Photo Researchers Inc
Leif Ericson, Norse Explorer #1
Photo Researchers
Berlin Wall
Bernard Wolff
Leif Ericson, Norse Explorer #3
Photo Researchers
Leif Ericson, Norse Explorer #4
Photo Researchers
Civil War Soldier
Photo Researchers
United States Flag
Photo Researchers, Inc.
Civil War Soldier #1
Photo Researchers
Capilla De Los Escaladores, Argentina
John Shaw
Mount Rushmore
Mark Newman